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Finding Back Home
I have seen the gleamiest sunrisesbut I could not find the placeswhere the sun risesthe most beautiful. I have tasted many different specialitiesbut there is nothing like mother’s dumplings.I took pictures of amazing landscapesand don’t remember how it really was there. I looked for happiness all over the worldand always had it on my doorstep.I have got everything I need and much more,more than others whom I adore. I spent a night in Burj Al Arabbut I missed my shieling’s haybed.I found many new friends butthe best ones are still those from home. I looked for happiness all over the worldand always had it on my doorstep.I have got everything I need and much more,more than others whom I adore. I looked for happiness all over the worldand I just found it on my doorstep.I have got everything I need and much more,more than others whom I adore.
Beautiful lies are music to my ears Better faking a good life than working hard for it It's much more comfortable to believe In illusions than to face up to the facts Mad Madness overtakes Mad Madness overtakes You can't buy love, but you can buy lovers Abuse can't be prevented, so just ignore it Mad Madness overtakes Madness Madness overtakes Violence, pain, crime All that follows when madness overtakes Mad Madness overtakes You can’t. You can’t control Oh you can’t, you can’t control when madness overtakes
Be Childish
Cry when you’re sad Laugh when it’s funny Hit the table when you’re angry Share love to the people you like Scare your mother Tease your brother Dance when you feel it Have joy in little things Do not dress up as a lion if you’d rather be a pink flamingo Keep the child in your heart And sometimes let it out Dare to kiss her if she enchants you Don’t be afraid to confess your love to her Lose your mind and lose your clothes Dive into the lake of happiness Tell your boss straight to his face If he does not treat you fairly Draw some naughty stuff onto your sleeping friends face and take some selfies Do not dress up as a lion if you’d rather be a pink flamingo Keep the child in your heart And sometimes let it out Don’t tell me what to do Don’t tell me what to do Don’t tell me what to do Don’t tell me what to do (live it up) Don’t tell me what to do (live it up) Don’t tell me what to do (live it up)
Golden leaves
The most colorful leaf has to fall first of all, tell me why? Oh all those who stay green and cold they remain on their branch ’til they turn brown and all the warm, bright shining colors have to leave in their golden age. Like a wisteria's blossom, they bloom in beautiful splendor, but in a blink of an eye they have already withered. My son, they're not gone, they are just some steps in front. All the colors that seem lost keep shining on when you feel loved, get loved, share love. They all get to go so early ‘cause they’ve already given all for their world.
Let’s give them a chance
Finally I've reached my aim, but still I feel the awful pain. I've lost my friends, my family but anyway I'm thinking hopefully. 'Cause God never closes a door without opening another. I'll use my chance with gratitude and I won't disappoint you that's what I promise you. I'll learn your language your culture 'cause I want to integrate. Don't have prejudices don't throw everyone into the same pot of fate. 'Cause God never closes a door without opening another. They left everything behind and they risked their life and they put their hope in us. They only want to live like you and me, so why shouldn't we give them a chance? They left everything behind and they risked their life and they put their hope in us. They only want to live like you and me, so let's give them the chance.
Numen's dreams
What if we lived in a world, without poverty, diseases and hate? What if we lived in a world, with satisfaction through love and health alone? What if money did not cause envy, greed, exploitation and wars? That would be, it would be a nice dream. If I had three wishes free, I would first wish for the end of all wars. Next I'd heal all sick and wounded, and lastly I'd wish for eternal peace. That would be, it would be a nice dream. Would you still take the money if you had to watch all the animals, burning during your slash and burn? Would you still take the money if you faced all the children who are suffering from your exploitation? (Tell me) If you could undo all this suffering and all your mistake with all of your foolish dirty wealth, would you do it? Would you do it? Would you fucking do it? How dare you? Would you fucking do it? Why don't you listen to your heart? Listen to your heart to fulfill these dreams!
Physical Passion
I look deep into, your captivating eyes, and listen to, listen to your breath. Lips are caressed tendely. Your mesmerizing gaze draws my face to yours, and your face to mine. The tip of my nose, gently draws, lines on, your delicate face. The breath deepens As it fills me, it both stuns and animates. The sound of your voice and the way you look at me attracts me. I sense your, I see your, your passion. I feel your I taste your, your passion Our bodies come, come closer without us noticing, as if we were hypnotized and it gets hotter and hotter until they merge and become one. I sense your, I see your, your passion. I feel your I taste your, your passion. Now we are together in our own dimension where love is expressed through physical passion.
Take care of our mother
Every year thousands of lifeforms are dying out, but we don’t care. In nature everything is interdependent, only human thinks he’s not. The last tree has fallen, humanity will recognize that skyscrapers can’t produce oxygen. No frog will drink the pond which it’s living in contentedly. This world’s a harmonious symphony, the only dissonance are we If human could, he’d even bend the rainbows into shape. A hundred of sunny days, finally blessing rain, what a foolish weather. People could not hear that peaceful calm, rain has given to the thirst crying nature. This world’s a harmonious symphony, the only dissonance are we. If human could, he’d even bend the rainbows into shape. Oh, our planet’s a God’s gift. He said, be fruitful and increase. Fill the earth and subdue it. That means care and protect it. It’s too expensive to save the world, but not to produce weapons. No matter how many people starve, we stay greedy like a dwarf. Oh, like a dwarf Please don’t cry, just believe in God and you’ll be able to fly. Please don’t cry, rise and fight, don’t live a lie. Please don’t cry, there’s still some hope if we just try Please don’t cry, it’s up to us if it develops a moth or a butterfly. charity Oh Lord I pray for mother nature Oh Lord I pray for our home Oh Lord I pray for our children Oh Lord I pray for all of us
True friends
A friend comes like the springwind with the scent of flowers and bright sunshine. He lingers at the threshold of your soul, always cheerful and joyful. True friends bring back your smile if you‘ve lost it, if you have lost it. Never live your life without smiling, cause there are people who live on it, who live on it A loyal friend can give you much more than any wealth on earth, than any treasure on earth. So take the time for your friends, cause otherwise your friendships will die and you have to say good bye. You can count many friends, but only true ones you can really count on. If somebody stands behind you, sometimes he also has to stand in front of you, has to stand in front of you A loyal friend can give you much more than any wealth on earth, than any treasure on earth. So take the time for your friends, cause otherwise your friendships will die and you have to say good bye. True friends stay when others go.. I follow you wherever you go
Under the oak tree
I'm sitting under, under the oak tree And enjoy the last rays of dawn I'm sitting there by your side and just feel free I'm sitting there by your side under the oak tree Sometimes I long for that For that feeling of carelessness Then I go back with you to the hill Where the oak's as still as usual What would you say If it could stay this way? If it could last forever Would it be okay? There as always the nightingales sing The sweet violets do smell like spring I put one into your hair and you smile at me I put one into your hair under the oak tree And we're climbing on top of the tree There we look for, for the candy We once hid in the hole where there used to be A nest full of birds, there on the oak tree Sometimes I long for that For that feeling of carelessness Then I go back with you to the hill Where the oak's as still as usual What would you say If it could stay this way? If it could last forever Would it be okay? Oh tell me what would you say If it could stay this way? If it could last forever Would it be okay? Tell me would you stay? Oh stay with me Wouldn't that be great? Oh yeah Oh yeah
We’ll fly again
All day long within the same four walls I watch my phone and listen to the radio And all I hear is: “oh please oh please stay the fuck at home”. What am I doing wrong? I don’t know is it hot or cold Is it rainy or sunny, windy or snowy? Oh can you tell me what day it is today? “Oh yes it’s Christmas” If I could fly I would fly away Then I could fly anywhere If I could fly I’d fly away Then I could dive into the sky I feel like a lonely fish in an aquarium with a single wish Oh I wanna meet my friends and enjoy the world with all of them If I could fly I would fly away Then I could fly anywhere If I could fly I’d fly away Then I could dive into the sky Think back, think, think back to the Nice days and hold on to them Look for, look, look forward to better times and, and forge great plans Think back, think, think back to the Nice days and hold on to them Have dreams and, and don’t lose them Make dreams and try to follow them Think back think, think, think back to the nice days because we will fly, fly again. Yeah we will fly!